Markus Gärtner

This is the homepage of Markus Gärtner, Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), Certified Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) Pracitioner, software craftsperson who specializes in testing, development, people and systems thinking.

In 2005 I received my German diploma in computer science from the University of Bielefeld. After university I joined Orga Systems GmbH as a software tester, and later as a software testing group leader. From 2010 to 2025 I worked for it-agile GmbH in Hamburg, Germany, as an Organizational Design Consultant.

I specialized in Acceptance Test-driven development, Exploratory Testing, and skillful human testing which includes the whole development cycle from idea, vision, coding, finally on to delivery and maintenance. In the more recent years I became a Scrum Master, Scrum Coach, Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), and Organizational Design Consultant being involved in Large-Scale Scrum adoptions.

In the Miagi-Do school of Software Testing I am a black-belt instructor (2nd dan), and contribute to the Software Craft movement, including the larger German-speaking community Softwerkskammer. On a regular basis I present at Agile and testing conferences in Germany and the whole world as well as local user groups in the current areas of my work.

Software Testing, Craft, Leadership and beyond